
#FillTheRoom at Upcoming BCDOT Meetings

This Thursday, Baltimore City Department of Transportation (BCDOT) is hosting two meetings that will affect bicycle infrastructure connectivity. Bikemore staff will be joining to hear updates and provide input on equitable design. We hope you can come too, especially if you’re a resident of the areas where the infrastructure will be built.

Harford Road Bridge Meeting 

Thursday, January 21 | 6pm | On WebEx

Construction on the Harford Road Bridge over Herring Run began in 2018. The original design for the bridge included standard bike lanes next to four lanes of high-speed traffic, despite widespread community requests for the new design to slow down cars and provide safer space for biking and walking. 

We have been advocating alongside District 3 Councilman Ryan Dorsey for a Complete Streets redesign of the bridge that includes space in which people of all ages feel comfortable walking and biking. BCDOT will provide updates on the design changes under consideration during this meeting.

Details + Meeting Link

Wolfe/Washington Cycle Track Meeting

Thursday, January 21 | 6pm | On WebEx

As part of the Separated Lane Network Plan released in 2016, a North/South connecting separated bike lane is planned to be built on either Wolfe St. or Washington St. This meeting will kickoff discussion on a design and selection of which street would serve as the best connection.

A separated bike lane on Wolfe/Washington St. would be a critical route through East Baltimore for people of all ages and abilities to feel comfortable using. It would connect the Promenade and Monument Street for East/West travel and to a planned trail connection on St. Lo Drive that would provide access through Clifton Park to future separated lanes on Harford Road and the future Baltimore Greenway Trail Network on 33rd Street and Herring Run.

Details + RSVP (Required)

If you are able to join and show your support for biking and walking infrastructure on these corridors, please sign on to fill the virtual room. 

Have questions? Feel free to email us at

What Slow Streets Can Teach Us

Slow street on 27th St. in Remington. The wooden barrier with Slow Street signage is to the left. A small child riding a tricycle, wearing a bright green shirt and blue helmet is to the right.

This summer, in response to legislation introduced by Council President Scott and unanimously supported by Baltimore City Council, the Baltimore City Department of Transportation started its Slow Streets program. Yellow barriers began popping up around town discouraging through traffic and encouraging slower speeds on neighborhood streets. This concept is being implemented in cities across the country due to an ever increasing demand for public space. People are home more. Our usual gathering spaces have been limited. So what better way to increase places to be than activating the largest amount of public space the City of Baltimore owns--our streets?

The program has had its challenges, challenges that have been seen in implementations across the country. these interventions need to be paired with widespread public communication so people understand their purpose, and programmed in ways that invite people to see the streets as a new front yard.. Local neighborhood champions have also been critical to success, and it has been encouraging to see neighbors step up in their communities to steward the program. 

For Bikemore, Slow Streets has helped us explain the benefits of calming traffic on neighborhood streets. Too often Complete Streets advocacy is full of jargon that is hard to relate to. No rendering or sketch can do as good a job explaining the benefits of traffic calming than when folks can stand outside of their house and experience it themselves. For that reason alone, the Department of Transportation should be commended for investing in this program. 

This became evident last Saturday while spending time in Curtis Bay. South Baltimore is so often overlooked when it comes to investment. But the City Council and the Department of Transportation have been intentional to ensure each council district receives a Slow Street. 

We were spending time with neighbors at the Filbert Street Garden, getting feedback on the Slow Street recently installed on Filbert Street and discussing future programming to activate the space. In between falling in love with Ed the Goat and Marshmallow the Chicken, and marveling at all the late summer crops that neighbors have nurtured, I walked across the street to meet a neighbor mowing her lawn. 

Over the years she’s put a lot of effort into her home. Her lawn, flowers and trees are beautiful. She proudly displays a sign noting that she won second place this year in the Curtis Bay yard competition. As we stood there chatting, multiple cars drove through the intersection where the Slow Streets barriers had been placed. We noted how even while speeding to the intersection, each car had to stop and look carefully before going through the stop sign. We both sighed at how it both worked to slow down cars there, but did little to prevent speeding just a few car lengths up the road. We brainstormed different ideas about how it could be better. What struck me was that after asking a simple question, “What do you think of these barriers?” Her insight spoke directly to the purpose of the program. She noted how kids are out playing in the street more now that we are all at home. And that the barriers make it safer for them to be outside. And she said she wanted to see more traffic calming in her neighborhood. 

Before the barriers I know that conversation would have gone differently. I would ask about traffic on someone’s street. They would agree that traffic could go slower. But it was hard for them to imagine interventions beyond speed humps--something that is costly and not always appropriate for the street. And too often that is where the conversation would end. Any other solution would inevitably be seen as intrusive and not something that the community requested. Not because they don’t want traffic to go slower, but because the community input process is designed to fail. 

Citizens shouldn’t be responsible for dreaming up solutions to problems the City already knows how to fix. The City shouldn’t create impossible thresholds of community support before we try something new to make a street safer for people who walk, bike, and take transit. What the City can do is double down on what Slow Streets has demonstrated works really well. Install temporary ways to calm traffic. These experiences should be the beginning of the community input process, not the end result. Prioritize providing neighbors with experiences to make informed decisions. 

Neighbors are the experts of what they need in their community. And for too many streets in this City, the need is for people driving cars to slow down. Allowing neighbors the ability to experience a variety of solutions first-hand means that whatever the solution is, people understand what to expect. Fear of change and the unknown is often the biggest barrier to make our streets better. 

It’s unrealistic to believe that every Slow Street in the city will lead to lasting change. But my hope is that it has provided a better starting point for that change to occur. It demonstrates the best of what DOT has to offer--equitable distribution of resources, low cost solutions that are easily replicated, and changes to the street that help people reimagine what is possible. It begins to answer the question, “How do we build streets for people?”

by Liz Cornish, Executive Director

Bikemore and CMTA Joint Statement on MTA Service Cuts

The pandemic has had a profound impact on public transit in the United States. Nationally transit use has plummeted by as much as 90%. In contrast Baltimore bus ridership dropped only 60% at its lowest point late April 2020. With fare revenues down and other funding sources depleted, transit agencies are forced to make difficult decisions. Tomorrow MTA will announce changes to transit service in greater Baltimore. These cuts will eliminate bus routes and bus stops, and cause less frequent service and reduced hours. Once cuts take effect there is no guarantee they will ever be reversed. Our already insufficient transit system will get worse.

The pandemic has caused significant financial stress to communities demonstrated to be most reliant on public transportation to get to work. Changes to transit service must consider equity, economic stability, and the public health of our most vulnerable communities. We must do all we can to maintain connectivity to the resources people need the most: jobs, health care, and healthy foods.

Essential workers, people with disabilities, and young people rely on public transit. The Central Maryland Transportation Alliance and Bikemore are committed to working with MTA to ensure these schedule changes do not leave our most vulnerable residents behind.

There will be an opportunity for public comment. We encourage those impacted by the changes to make their voices heard. We will be communicating additional information as it becomes available. 

Written August 31, 2020 as a press release.

Detours Done Well

In the infrastructure world, it’s called “Maintenance of Traffic.” Really, it’s just a detour. And traditionally, it’s something that’s been awful in Baltimore.

We’ve all experienced it. You’re riding down a protected bike lane, and suddenly there’s construction blocking the lane and nowhere for you to go. Or you’re walking down a sidewalk and suddenly there’s a sign that says “sidewalk closed, use other side” but no crosswalk or curb cut to get you there.

It’s against the law to do this. Baltimore City Department of Transportation has Maintenance of Traffic regulations for contractors that require them to provide a safe detour around construction that closes sidewalks and bike lanes. This usually means closing the adjacent car parking or travel lane to allow pedestrians or bicyclists to use it to go around the construction. But in practice, this rarely happens. Instead, we see dangerous closures like this:

Baltimore City Department of Transportation needs more and better trained inspectors to regularly issue fines for this kind of illegal, dangerous work. And, our city needs to aggressively collect those fines from some of our biggest offenders. The agency is working on a new street cuts manual, and we have advocated for increased fines and more diligent inspections, as well as for the additional resources the agency needs to follow through.

But we also wanted to use this post to show some examples of great maintenance of traffic implementations—exactly the kind of work that contractors should be doing and Baltimore City Department of Transportation should be demanding.

The first is the utility work along the Jones Falls Trail on Falls Road by the Baltimore Streetcar Museum. On prior trail-adjacent projects like the Druid Hill Reservoir tank construction and the Edmondson Avenue bridge replacement, trails were and continue to be closed without detour for years. Contrast that failure with Falls Road, where the street was closed to car traffic and a detour was created to ensure the Jones Falls Trail remains accessible:

Falls Road Maintenance of Traffic

Falls Road Maintenance of Traffic

Another recent example is the Harbor Promenade closure for construction by Aliceanna and Wolfe Streets. In the past, the promenade has been closed for construction without adequate detours. At first, this closure looked like it would be a similar situation. But thanks to advocacy from neighbors, community associations, Councilman Zeke Cohen, and Delegate Brooke Lierman, a high quality, physically separated detour was put in place along Aliceanna Street for people biking, walking, and rolling.

Aliceanna Maintenance of Traffic

Aliceanna Maintenance of Traffic

We’re happy to see great examples of proper, safe detours adjacent to construction being implemented in Baltimore City, as the law requires. And, we will continue to advocate for more resources for Baltimore City Department of Transportation so they can adequately enforce quality work in our roadways.

Slow Streets Update

On Monday, Baltimore City began rolling out a citywide #SlowStreets program, thanks to legislation introduced by Council President/Democrat nominee for Mayor Brandon Scott and passed unanimously by Baltimore City Council. 

#SlowStreets are a public health response to the pandemic, closing streets to speeding traffic using the street as a short-cut while still allowing local traffic, deliveries, parking, and emergency vehicle access. The goal is to allocate more street space for people walking, biking, and recreating while traffic volumes are lower and physical distancing is required due to COVID-19. 

#SlowStreets are being rolled out district-by-district, with about 8 miles to be completed this week. The City will continue installations until they meet the 25-mile minimum outlined in the legislation. Then, they will conduct an evaluation period to determine next steps, which could include swapping streets or expanding the program. In all, the city has identified more than 65 miles of candidate streets, and has taken numerous additional submissions from community members and community associations.

When we first called for #SlowStreets treatments in April, we recommended equitable implementation, robust community input, and transparent evaluation. While the legislation highlighted the need for equitable implementation, the mayor’s (ultimately unfulfilled) threat of veto forced BCDOT to begin this process late, which presented an additional barrier to robust community input. 

We will continue to monitor implementation of #SlowStreets, and encourage Baltimore City Department of Transportation to work with advocates and community partners to program #SlowStreets so neighbors understand the purpose of the re-allocated space and can fully participate in the benefits that additional space provides.

The National Association of City Transportation Officials has released a guide for Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery that details potential programming for re-allocated street space. Baltimore City has taken many of these recommendations into account for programming outdoor dining and retail spaces through Design for Distancing. We need a similar focus on these residential installations, and real resources for communities so they can utilize these spaces safely for physically distanced play, outdoor schooling, community gathering, protest, and more. 

Other cities have used the #SlowStreets opportunity to count residents for the Census, distribute meals to seniors and youth, provide pop-up health services and COVID testing, and create spaces for play when parks or playgrounds are not nearby. 

We hope Baltimore City will use this as an opportunity to think comprehensively about “Complete Streets” and use a multi-agency approach to ensure the success of #SlowStreets through programming and subsequent evaluation.