Help Increase the Reward for Tips in Aaron Laciny's Case

It’s been over a month since Aaron Laciny was killed in a hit and run while riding his bike in Baltimore County. The driver of the car that killed him has not been identified. Bikemore is deeply concerned that a driver so callous and dangerous is still out there — driving a car and putting others lives at risk. We believe identifying the driver of the vehicle will also bring Aaron’s loved ones closure. As advocates, it’s important we fight for people who bike — especially the victims of fatal crashes and their loved ones.

At the request of Aaron Laciny’s family, we have set up a separate account to assist them to raise money to increase the reward. We believe raising the reward, coupled with the demonstrated community support at Aaron’s memorial ride on Monday has the potential to force someone with information about who is responsible for his death to come forward.

To that end, all money raised through this page will directly go toward increasing the MetroCrimestoppers reward for information leading to an arrest. Help us ensure Aaron’s family has every resource at their disposal to find justice.

And please join us on Monday evening at 7pm, at the Eddies at 6213 Charles Street for a memorial ride in memory of Aaron. Bring lights and water. The ride will be slow paced and approximately 8 miles. More info here


Contribute to the Reward Fund

Complete Streets Introduced to Council Tonight


At tonight’s Baltimore City Council meeting, Councilman Ryan Dorsey will introduce a Complete Streets ordinance. Complete Streets are streets designed to prioritize the safety of all people using the street over the speed of moving cars. This legislation was a priority for Bikemore and a strong part of Councilman Dorsey’s campaign platform.

This will be the first Complete Streets ordinance in the country that is centered around equity — in a deliberate attempt to begin to undo decades of structurally racist planning that has promoted car commuting from surrounding counties over mobility for city residents. 

Over the past year, we have been building a broad coalition supporting Complete Streets. We’ve met with and are proud to have support from a host of community groups, including CASA de Maryland, No Boundaries Coalition, Old Goucher Community Association, and Original Northwood Association. Statewide organizations like Maryland Builders Industry Association have signed on. And, we have national support from groups like the AARP and Safe Routes to School, who recognize the importance of complete streets to aging in place and getting our kids to school. To date, we've met with more than two dozen community associations, a dozen trade groups, national advocacy partners, and key city agencies.

We plan to take our time stewarding this bill toward passage. There will be multiple public work sessions on the legislation, and we will continue our neighborhood tours introducing Complete Streets to residents across the city. Our coalition will grow, and we want your support.

We will be providing updates on the legislation and the growth of our coalition, including a recap of tonight's meeting, at

Please visit today and take the pledge to support complete streets in your neighborhood!

Another Tragedy: Remembering Jeremy Pope

This week we lost a dear friend. Jeremy Pope was killed while riding his bike near BWI. He was rear ended by a person driving a car. He often biked that route home from the light rail station, coming from work or spending time with friends in Baltimore. He was a fixture in a group of friends I am lucky to be a part of. His loss is felt by many. Our hearts go out to his family and friends who now have to carry on without him. 

It’s never easy to be a bike advocate when someone loses their life in a preventable crash. It’s hard to find the right words. Each time someone dies, we are asked to reflect on what specific changes can be made to prevent another family from experiencing this tragedy. In Bikemore’s short history, we’ve written about this numerous times: for Aaron Laciny, for Ralph Roane and Marcus Arvin, and for Tom Palermo. Maybe it’s because I just saw Jeremy last Friday at Bike Party, maybe it’s because of the proximity to Aaron’s death, but this one feels particularly tough to write. 

People drive too fast, too distracted, and are killing each other’s loved ones. I think by now it’s clear we need a dramatic change in our culture, and that change needs to be pushed forward by our civic leaders.

Every time I have to beg and grovel for a little bit of decency or consideration for people who bike on the roadway, it seeps into the subconscious of the collective that we don’t belong there. 

Every time civic leaders weigh equally the safety of vulnerable road users against shaving a few minutes off someone’s commute or the convenience of getting to park right in front of one’s house, they are emboldening disregard for the lives of people who ride bikes. They make our deaths appear inevitable, of our own making. 

I’m living this right now—in the midst of planning one memorial bike ride for Aaron Laciny and attending one for Jeremy tonight—I’m still being told by some residents in Canton how unreasonable I am for asking for protected bike lanes to be designed at federally-guided minimum width. 

I met Jeremy Pope at my first Bike Party. I had just moved to Baltimore. In what was already a chaotic ride home through the park, Jed and I happened upon a crash, and were quickly called away to another crash on the other side of the park. When we got there, I saw bikes underneath a car, and all three back wheels on the bikes were bent. Jeremy was one of the people that was hit. Miraculously, nobody was badly hurt. I remember talking to Jeremy specifically, calming him down, encouraging him to stay level-headed while the responding officers treated the whole ordeal with the kind of disdain I’ve now come to expect. We worked with police to ensure all three had a safe ride home with their bent up bicycles. The next few days I connected the driver and the cyclists to make sure folks were working together to get bikes fixed and medical costs taken care of. 

Jeremy was always generous with his gratitude after that. To me, he represented my first Baltimore bike advocacy success story. I was a source of calm and support during an intense and stressful situation for him. He repaid me tenfold over the next two years in hugs, smiles, and encouragement. It’s not often in advocacy you get a concrete win, so kind words from folks like Jeremy are what fuel me to keep going in the face of adversity. 

Jeremy was on a path of self-discovery that is enviable. He constantly sought out ways to be more generous and bring others more joy. He was beginning his career in the bike industry—a career move that isn’t easy and comes with risks. He biked across the country raising money for cancer research last summer. He gave his friendship wholeheartedly to so many. 


Over the past two days I’ve witnessed the hole Jeremy’s death has left in our community. He was a fixture on many weekly rides, all the bike parties, and a new, but beloved member of the Baltimore Bicycle Works family. His friendship was the kind that was so full of magic and possibility, because he was willing to go deep with those who surrounded him. At a time when so many of our relationships are based on superficial connection, Jeremy succeeded at forging many deep friendships. Those types of friendships are so vital because they allow you to be seen and valued just as you are. These friendships are abundant in Baltimore’s bike community. So while Jeremy and I never got to know one another deeply, I recognize his magic in so many of you. I feel it even more intensely this week as we all suffer this immense loss. 

The bicycling community has planned a ride for Jeremy this evening (Thursday, July 6th) and all are welcome to come in celebration of the life of a wonderful human being. The ride will depart from Baltimore Bicycle Works (1813 Falls Road) at 7:30 and slow roll to Baltimore Design School (1500 Barclay Street) for a candlelight vigil at 8:30. 

Please keep his family and loved ones in your thoughts and always keep promoting safe cycling and safe driving throughout Baltimore.

Liz Cornish, Executive Director

Potomac Will Be Saved

Even under construction riders of all ages have been out enjoying the protected bike lane on Potomac Street. 

Even under construction riders of all ages have been out enjoying the protected bike lane on Potomac Street. 

We have good news - the Potomac Street protected bike lane will not be removed! We will not be going to court tomorrow. Instead we have entered into a settlement agreement and will be sitting down this week with the City to assist in finalizing new plans for Potomac Street. We are confident this modified plan will preserve a high quality all ages protected two-way bike facility on Potomac Street, as well as safeguard public safety and accommodate emergency vehicles.
Once the plans have been finalized, they will be shared with the public for a two week comment period. During that time the Potomac Street bike lane will remain intact as is currently constructed. Once the public comment period has ended, the City will take comments into consideration and begin construction. We are pleased to have reached this agreement with the City and are committed to being partners as we work to make Baltimore a safe place to ride a bike. 

Your support and advocacy during these past few weeks has been tremendous. Each one of you that donated, called, and wrote letters played a part in bringing us to this resolution. As a thank you, please join us at the courthouse tomorrow 6/28/2017 between 9-9:30 am. We will be hanging out at the Battle Monument serving up donuts and coffee as a thank you! Join us as we continue to #FightForBikes! 



Remembering Aaron Laciny

Bikemore exists to create the type of policy change that ensures that all people can move about this city safely. Be it on foot, by bike or on transit — mobility connects us to opportunity. When it is difficult or unsafe to travel, we limit people’s capacity to lead healthy, productive lives and cause actual harm to our citizens. And while things are changing, this week it feels like they aren’t changing fast enough.

Nothing brings the immediacy of our work into focus than when someone is killed while riding their bike. This week the world lost Aaron Laciny in a tragedy that illustrates the level of callousness and disregard people riding bikes receive. Aaron was a beloved son and brother to his five siblings. He was a celebrated colleague, classmate and friend. He loved the outdoors, and was a brilliant mind just beginning his career in science and mathematics.

As advocates, during these particularly difficult times it is our job to ensure the family of those injured or killed have the resources they need to process what is often an inexplicable loss. We are in contact with Aaron’s family, and are discussing what is going to be the best way for the bicycling community to memorialize his life. We are following their lead, respecting their privacy and need to grieve, and will be sure to update folks as to the best way they can honor Aaron’s life.

In the meantime, Aaron’s family has made an incredibly generous gesture, asking that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Bikemore in Aaron’s name. We will be maintaining a memorial page to him on our website at the family’s request. We are humbled by their generosity, and even further resolved in our advocacy. You can view it here.

These tragic events impact all of us who ride. They are a stark reminder that there are people who move through the world with disregard for human life. So take care of yourself, and others. Leave time to grieve and process, but most importantly, enjoy all life has to offer. For many of us, that includes riding bikes in the city we love.

UPDATE 7-6-2017: 

A reward is now being offered by Baltimore County Police to find the driver who left the scene and is responsible for Aaron's death.